Dear Readers,
How many of you remember the children's song "This Little Piggy Went to Market" or a similar verison of a children's song that involved playing with your babies toes? This song is an interactive baby song and game that I saw my mom play with my little brother. These are the words to the song and the associated way of playing with the toes:
Mom singing and pulling on each toe the following words:
Big toe: This little piggy went to market;
Second toe: This little piggy stayed home;
Third toe: This little piggy had roast beef;
Fourth toe: This little piggy had none;
Baby toe: This little piggy cried wee,wee, wee all the way home.
The sinus area is located under the ball of each toe where mom would be rubbing.
Reading the following article about reflexology:
Roll you mouse over the purple area on the toe for Sinus/Face area:
Was this song secretly passed down from generation to generation to prevent upper respirotory, sinus, ear infections?
Should you as a mother revive this song and perform the actions (refelxology) above to improve babys's overall health?
Post your answer or comment to the questions above in a blog to us.