Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Brain Cells: Use them or lose them

Dear Readers,

We all have heard the phrase "Use it or lose it." Did you know that this is true for your baby's brain cells. A child has developed most of the brain cells that will be used for the remainder of his/her life from the time they are born to mid-childhood.

According to the article "positive and enriching experiences build up brain cells, negative experiences can literally tear away at your baby's development -- even while she's in the womb." The article specificially states that the negative effects on a fetus that is exposed to drugs and alcohol as well as very high levels of stress hormones do great harm to the developing brain." Give your baby a healthy start while in the womb (utero) by reading, singing and talking to your baby, therefore they will not enter the world with less brain cells before their little lives began.

Read more about this article: