Dear Readers,
If you are a book lover like me, then you have accumulated lots and lots of books for yourself and your child/children. I have saved books that my first child's library and passed them on to my my second child to read and enjoy. Books do not date themselves, like clothing or furniture, that is why I love them so much. I love reading the Charlotte's Web by E.B. White just as much as I did when my teacher read it to my 4th grade class. I realize that was what got hooked on books.
As my second child gets older she has read or I have read to her all of the books in her library and I realize that many of them are from when she was an infant and toddler.
In order to encourage my child to read books on her reading level or above I have decided to donate the books to a local daycare center. If the books are donated to a daycare they will continue to be used in an academic setting and children can benefit from them.
Since the books belong to my daughter I am going to let her decide which books she will keep and which books she will give away to the daycare center. It has to be her choice, because only she knows which ones are her favorite.
Before we donate the books, I am going to have her make personalized book plates for each book. The book plate will show who donated the books, date of the donation and the name of the daycare center they are for.