Dear Readers,
B4 Literacy congratulates Deidra Shores, the Today Show winner for the Kid Reporter contest.
I enjoyed watching Deidra's submission tape to the Today Show which showed her darting out and reappearing in different places in the city of Memphis. You did not know what backdrop scene Deidra would appear in next. If you are familiar with Memphis, you were knew approximately where Deidra was standing in order to get the view of the Memphis Bridge in the background. Did you hear the Trolley whistle signal her exit to go to the next scene? This was very clever Deidra using a technique that is commonly used in children's books when children are learning to read. The music will let the child know to turn the page.
Her submission tape coupled with her bubbly personality was definitely a winner!
And congratulations to all of the kids who submitted tapes to the Today Show "Today Kid Reporter Contest", I reviewed some of the submission tapes and they were very creative and clever. You are all winners in my book and much success to all of you.
Quote: “To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.” Bernard Edmonds
Copy and past this link into your browser to view the Today Show of Deidra's submission tape and her journey:
Photo source: http://www.commercialappeal.com/photos/2009/nov/12/139354/