Dear Readers,
This month would not be complete without paying tribute to our current president:
Barack Obama, our 44th of the United States. President Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
President Obama has a Bachelor's Degree from Columbia University (1983)he also attended Occidental College; and has a Law Degree from Harvard Law School (1991)
He served as an Illinois state senator from 1997-2005; U.S. and as a senator from 2005- 2009 when he was elected president.
His professional history includes jobs as a Financial analyst, Business International Corp., 1983-84; organizer, Developing Communities Project, 1985-88; executive director, Illinois Project Vote, 1992; senior lecturer, University of Chicago Law School, 1993-2004; author.
He is married to Michelle (Robinson) and has 2 daughters Malia Ann and Sasha.
These are the issues he ran his campagian: economy, health care, imigration and global warmng
Source: http://articles.sfgate.com/2008-09-11/news/17120052_1_illegal-immigrants-health-care-political-biography