Have you ever wondered if your child is reading to his or her level of achievement? Take a look at these Predictors of Reading Achievement from the National Early Literacy Panel to evaluate your child.
Predictors of Reading Achievement
Six moderate to strong skills predict overall literacy development:
1. Alphabetic Knowledge: knowledge of names and sounds associated with printed letters
2. Phonological Awareness: detecting, manipulating, or analyzing parts of words
3. Rapid Automatic Naming of Letters/Digits: naming a sequence of random letters or numbers
4. Rapid Automatic Naming of Objects/Colors: naming a sequence of random sets of pictures or objects
5. Writing or Writing Name: writing letters in isolation or one's own name
6. Phonological Memory: remembering spoken information for a short period of time
7. Five additional skills are moderate predictors of some aspect of later literacy development:
8. Concepts About Print: knowledge of print conventions (read left to write) and concepts (book cover, author)
9. Print Knowledge: combination of alphabetic knowledge, concepts about print, and early decoding
10. Reading Readiness: combination of alphabetic knowledge, concepts of print, vocabulary, memory, and phonemic awareness
11. Oral Language: producing or comprehending spoken language, including vocabulary and grammar
12. Visual Processing: matching or discriminating visually presented symbols
SOURCE: National Early Literacy Panel