Dear Readers,
Today is a special day for 2 special, special people in my life. These people have and are continuing to bring joy, joy, joy in my life.
One of these people will be beginning their 11th year of life on today. Would you believe it if I told you that in the short span of 11 years of life that this person has already obtained a passport, taken a cruise, flown 1st class, traveled to Europe (Denmark, Sweden and Germany), written a blogwhich you can read at:, attended the Inauguration of President Barack Obama, attended a book signing for the book Son of Promise, Child of Hope written by Nikki Grimes illustrated by Bryan Collier, performed in several piano recitals, played a pipe organ while in Europe, reads daily, receive many honors for academics, Valedictorian for her daycare class, Is a Great Kid see Commerical Appeal article (, has a post card collection that she has been collecting for the past 11 years, shares the same birthday with her Aunt-B and so much more.
So to the 2 Very, Very Special People in my life
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU and many, many more!
A - What will your 11th year hold special for you?
B what will your ?? year hold for you?!!!!
Much Love to both of you!!