Thursday, August 25, 2011

Factors that interfere with learning

Dear Readers,

Every child is different and learns at a different rate. Parents realize that there are other factors that may interfere with learning. These factors are medical, social, emotional, behavioral, home environment stress, learning style, learning impairment. Medical can sometimes be resolved with a pair of glasses or medication for allergies. Socially a child will be learning how to fit in with peers as they advance from grade to grade. School counselors and peer groups can help to build bridges for students. Emotional and behavioral issues can be hurdles for students and parents which may require outside counseling or intervention. Stress from the home environment come in all forms from a death in the family to an illness or divorce. There are a variety of books on many subjects that can help children. How a child learns is very important, parents do you know your child’s learning style? Lastly, learning impairments that interfere with a child’s learning should be addressed at an early age. Build a strong vocabulary with your children will help to alleviate problems later
Just remember parents, if a child struggles early does not mean that the child will always struggle. Find ways, games, activities, other siblings or family members to help them in the areas where they are struggling.
My motto is: I have been through K-12th grade and I made it so I can help you (my child).