Dear Readers,
Happy New Year!
I love this time of year because the old year has passed, all of the items on my to do list that were incomplete have been revised, revisited and added to my list of things to do for the new year.
I always like to start my year with a list of things to teach my children. Did you know as a parent you teach your children in several different ways?
One of my ah ha moments occurred when I was teaching my son to drive and I told him to stop speeding, his reply was "Momma, you speed." Speeding with your children in the car, not a good example as parent. I made sure I did not speed and I obeyed all of the traffic signals and signs when my children were in the car.
The lessons you teach your child will be with them for the rest of their lives. So why not teach them ethics which will lead to good character. Your character will be with you forever. Parents are the examples for children to pattern themselves after. So as a parent it is important for you to be a good role model for your children.
This month my posts will talk about good character traits, ways to encourage your child, teaching good work ethics, words for you to use to instill confidence, self-respect, and thoughtfulness in your children.