Dear Readers,
1. Keep a family calendar – Keep track of the family and know what is planned and where every one should be. This will eliminate the problem of schedules overlapping.
2. Introduce checklists. Checklists develop a child’s ability to organize his/her time.
3. Get ready the night before - Get in the habit of getting everything ready the night before (know where clothes, shoes, coats, hats, etc). Sometimes this can be a tedious task for children as well as adults.
4. Buy your child a planner. Some school us agenda/planners to keep children organized at school. This also works at home to keep the child organized and on track.
5. Organize schoolwork. Schoolwork includes homework, class assignments, notes home to parents and notes about upcoming events. Teach your child to stay organized by keeping each subject in individual folders. Check the backpack nightly, you may find the forgotten note about the PTA/PTO, Field trip, permission slip for music that needed to be signed 2 weeks ago.
6. Establish a homework routine. If your child attends aftercare, most of the time some of the homework may be completed before the child is picked up from after-care. The child would then have another "study hour" at
7. Reward your child - Encourage your child to continue using their morning routine schedule especially if it is helping your child get ready for school in an organized manner.