Dear Readers,
There are many books that can teach you how to get organized, but after you read them how do you stay organized? I have found out that if you establish a pattern or routine daily it helps to keep things organized.
1. Keep a family calendar – everyone always has to be somewhere.
Your schedules will not overlap if you keep a calendar.
2. Have a checklist - Checklists help your child stay on track and it helps to develop your child’s ability to organize his/her time.
3. Get ready the night before - Get everything ready the night before, so you will know where clothes, shoes, hats, coats, etc are for the next morning.
4. Buy your child a planner to use to write homework assignments in.
5. Organize schoolwork, homework and notes for home in separate folders.
6. Check the backpack nightly, you may find the forgotten note about the PTA/PTO, Field trip, permission slip for music that needed to be signed 2 weeks ago.
7. Establish a homework routine. If your child attends aftercare, most of the time some of the homework may be completed before the child is picked up from after-care. The child would then have another "study hour" at home to read.
Reward your child and yourself too.