Dear Readers,
Every child is different and develops at different rates. Here are a list of Pre-Writing skills to determine what your child can do.
There are no wrong or right answers,this is a way for you to determine what milestones to expect and watch for:
Copies the letters of the alphabet
Draws a person with 2 body parts
Holds paint brush with thumb and fingers
Finger paints with fingers
Paints lines, shapes and dots
Copies shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle)
Copies simple words (yes, no, boy, girl)
Repeats 4 digits
Repeats 3 digits
Points to "big" objects when asked
Can place item in a cup or bowl
Can remove a lid from a box when looking for objects
Knows the difference between empty and full
Can match item
Can give you 3 items when asked
Can answer questions