Dear Readers,
Did you know that writing Greeting Cards is a fun, yet educational way for your child to learn.
Supplies needed: card stock paper or blank greeting cards, envelopes, colored pencils, crayons or markers, stamps to mail the greeting card.
If your child is old enough to write letters have them write the words that they want to say. Do not worry about spelling, that is all in the fun of reading the card (this card of course will be one that the receiver will want to keep and compare with other cards as the child gets older and learns to write better.)
If you child is not old enough to write, have your child tell you what he/she wants to say and you write the card for them. It is important to write exactly what the child speaks no matter how it sounds. This too is the beauty of the card now and later on as other cards are compared.
Source: Brain Games for Preschoolers, Eion