Dear Readers,
Words are everywhere in the world and are everywhere you go. Sometimes your child is reading words and you do not know it.
Let me give you an example: While my husband and I were driving to take care of some business one evening after, work our 7 year old daughter was in the back seat of the car. We did not realize that she heard us mentioned eating at a certain restaurant when we completed our business. As we were driving back towards the restaurant, both my husband and I could not find the restaurant that we knew we had driven past no more than 30 minutes ago. Our daughter must have realized that we were lost, because she said “I saw that restaurant we just passed it, Dad it is back there" (pointing in the opposite direction). Both my husband and I looked at each other strangely because we knew that surely our 7 year old daughter did not see the restaurant because we were looking for it and did not see it. Because our daughter sounded so sure of herself, she persuaded us turn the car around and go back in the opposite direction and sure enough the restaurant was where she said it was.
Both my husband and I learned that night to listen to your children because they know what they are talking about because they can and are reading!