Saturday, December 28, 2013

10 tips for success in school

Dear Readers,

Here are a few tips to stay ahead in class:
  1. Sit close to the front of the classroom if you do not have assigned seats.
  2. Participate in classroom discussions.
  3. Ask questions, if there is something you do not understand.  You are not the only person who has a question.
  4. Keep up with class assignments and homework.  Always complete them before the due date
  5. Always ask your teachers for help so you can keep up in class.
  6. Keep your skills sharp by reading and doing extra problems or skill sets in your classes.
  7. Learn how to type so you can type your papers, this is what you will be doing in high school.
  8. Take good class notes and review them before tests.
  9. Learn how to proofread, correct, and rewrite your written work.
  10. Develop test-taking skills.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December - Special Events

Dear Readers,

When you think of the month of December, Christmas is probably the first thing that comes to mind. There are many other special events that are worth celebrating.

Rosa Parks - She did not give up her seat on a bus on 12/1/1955

Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day - 12/7/1941

Emily Dickinson's Birthday - 12/10/1830

National Cocoa Day - 12/13

Bill of Rights Anniversary - 12/15/1791

Boston Tea Party Occured 12/16/1773

Hanukkah Begins at Sundown 12/20

Christmas 12/25

Kwanzaa Begins 12/26