Saturday, December 28, 2013

10 tips for success in school

Dear Readers,

Here are a few tips to stay ahead in class:
  1. Sit close to the front of the classroom if you do not have assigned seats.
  2. Participate in classroom discussions.
  3. Ask questions, if there is something you do not understand.  You are not the only person who has a question.
  4. Keep up with class assignments and homework.  Always complete them before the due date
  5. Always ask your teachers for help so you can keep up in class.
  6. Keep your skills sharp by reading and doing extra problems or skill sets in your classes.
  7. Learn how to type so you can type your papers, this is what you will be doing in high school.
  8. Take good class notes and review them before tests.
  9. Learn how to proofread, correct, and rewrite your written work.
  10. Develop test-taking skills.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December - Special Events

Dear Readers,

When you think of the month of December, Christmas is probably the first thing that comes to mind. There are many other special events that are worth celebrating.

Rosa Parks - She did not give up her seat on a bus on 12/1/1955

Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day - 12/7/1941

Emily Dickinson's Birthday - 12/10/1830

National Cocoa Day - 12/13

Bill of Rights Anniversary - 12/15/1791

Boston Tea Party Occured 12/16/1773

Hanukkah Begins at Sundown 12/20

Christmas 12/25

Kwanzaa Begins 12/26

Monday, November 25, 2013

Just an ordinary 8th grader...

Dear Readers,

Let's pretend I am in the 8th grade.  My days are so busy, they are filled with school work, classes such as English, Math, Social Studies, Writing, Reading, Music, and P.E.  I have so much to learn in all of my classes.  I have homework, homework, homework and more homework from school.  At home I also have to do my chores, talk to my friends on the phone, send texts to my friends and post on my instagram among other things. 

When do I have time to think about college?  Yes, I think I know what I want to be when I grow up but what steps do I take and how long will it take to get there?

Keep your options open - Research the field of study to make sure this is going to be your career choice.  Shadow someone in the field of study that you are interested in.

You have plenty of time, but you will have to prepare properly to determine what interests you, find out what you are good at and how to put the two together to form your career or field of study.

So just keep your options open...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

International Literacy Day

National International Literacy Day was first on November 17, 1965 by UNESCO and it was first celebrated in 1966. Its goal was to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies.
This day focuses on worldwide literacy needs.  Did you know that over 774 million adults in the world do not know how to read or write.  Surprisingly 123 million children in today's society do not have reading and writing skills and some are denied access to education.
International Reading Association

Friday, September 6, 2013

National Read a Book Day

Did you remember to READ today? It is National Read A Book Day!
B4Literacy challenges everyone to read a book to yourself, your child, your family, friends, or co-workers.

Think about those who are unable to read and read to them or teach them to read so they can join you in reading next year.

We are encouraging everyone to read 20 to 30 minutes or more today!



Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Simple step: What is College?

Dear Readers,
Start now to help your child prepare for college. It is never too early to start. Introduce the subject of college to your child and see what responses you will receive. Depending on the age, you may receive answers such as "What is college?" If you receive a question such as this, your response and job would be to show your child a college campus when you drive by one or take them to a local college campus for an event.

Yes this is a simple step, but an important one at an early stage in your child's life.