Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Getting ready for Kindergarten

Dear Readers,

These are the skills that Kindergarten teachers want students to know upon entering Kindergarten

Letter, Number and Shape Recognition – your child should be able to recognize some if not all of the letters of the alphabet. He/she should be able to recognize the numbers 1-5. They should recognize some shapes and colors.

Oral Language Skills – Your child uses oral language skills daily. Introduce new words to your child on a daily basis by pointing out things as you interact with him/her at home and outside the home.

Listening Skills – This is one of the most important skills needed to help your child succeed in school. Your child will have to be able to listen to the teacher and sometimes repeat or follow the directions of the teacher.

Independence – Encourage your child to do things by themselves. Put on their coat, put on their shoes, button or zip up coat, go to the bathroom and wash hands, and blow their nose are just a few of the independence skills that will be needed as your child enters kindergarten.

Strong Fine-Motor Skills - There are many activities that your child will encounter in Kindergarten such as learning to hold a pencil or crayon. You can improve your child’s writing and scissor skills by letting them mist your houseplants with a spray bottle.

Eager to learn – You can tell if your child is eager to learn if he/she has a positive attitude and approaches learning new things eagerly.

Ability to play well with others – Your child will need social skills such as sharing, problem-solving and taking turns.

Source: Scholastic Parents