Friday, October 9, 2009

Morals: Helping

Dear Readers,

Most small children love to help parents do something or everything around the house. Whether it’s making the bed, washing the dishes or throwing paper in the trash, there is a fun and learning opportunity for the child.

Imagine my amazement when my 4 year old made her bed one morning. I could tell that she helped her child care provider or watched her closely throughout the day. Her actions told me this because she was always busy picking up paper and throwing it in the trash.

When my children were small I would let them stand on a stool and wash dishes (or so they thought). What they were really doing was playing with a plastic bowl or small pot in the soapy water while I was in the kitchen with them as I prepared dinner. The child thinks they are helping you and feel good that they can help Mom.

This also teaches them that every family member has a job to do around the house.